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August 17, 2005

Are you prepared to be fabulous?

As I sat down to enjoy my free bagel with jam (someone finished my cream cheese) I picked up the section of the Post closest to me and began to read. Granted the Style section is not the most hardcore news but still how many articles really need to be written about iPod obsessed freaks? There in the lower right corner was an article titled: "The iPod: A Love Story Between Man, Machine". As if the title weren't bad enough the article goes on to describe in an utterly whimsical fashion the songs that send this otherwise normal seeming man into a frenzy of nostalgia when heard on his ipod. Granted, I own an iPod mini, and I like it. It's compact, allows me to carry around half my music library in that little pocket in my jeans that seems to have no other purpose, and it's excellent for listening to books on cd while I'm brainlessly going through hanging files at work. However, it does not "complete me". The Post seems to think that articles about twenty-somethings freakishly in love with their iPods is the only way to get in touch with their younger readers, and so has been putting out at least one article a month about it. I'm beginning to wonder whether or not Macintosh is perhaps contributing a little monetary padding to the Post under the table. I haven't seen any articles about other mp3 players, though this doesn't mean they don't exist. These articles wouldn't be nearly as idiotic if they carried some sort of new information but they don't, they're pitifully similar to articles I remember reading in the Madison Highschool newspaper, Hawktalk.

Anyway, while we're on the Style section, two more articles caught my eye this morning. One on a new place in Arlington called Denim Bar which apparently features bartender styled salesmen selling designer jeans and perhaps even giving out a beer or two. This is perfect, beer while you shop! What better way to get someone to spend a shitload on a pair of jeans than to get them drunk first. The only problem is that these jeans probably cost about 600 smackaroos and I would most likely be turned away from the store after being told by the owner that I am just "not prepared to be fabulous."

A man who is "prepared to be fabulous", Christopher Walken, has his own article as well. Directly under the article about Denim Bar is an article about www.walken2008.com. Which includes such wonderful quotes as "Why vote for the lesser of two evils, when you can vote for someone who looks evil?" and suggestions for campaign slogans such as "When I win, everyone gets a glass of shhham-pan-ya", "Like your father's gold watch, this country needs to be kept safe, secure and in a warm place" and "More Cowbell!" Christopher Walken is awesome!

I'm still going to write him in in 2008. Who's with me?

oh, and don't hate me...I think I might try to get a pair of jeans at that place. If they can find the fabulousness in me (or for my non-existent butt), then I'm all for it. You can tag along and drink my beer.
I don't hate you but I will be happy to drink your beer for you and taunt you endlessly for buying a $600 pair of pants. Perhaps we can bring Brian along, he's good a taunting, unfortunately (or fortunately for me) he won't drink the beer, I hear is Yuengling.
I think the most I'd ever spend on jeans is $100 and I think that's the minimum there.
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