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October 13, 2006

I Vant to Suck Your Blood

So some random things:

I went to a friend's wedding last weekend and had a great time, lots of drinking, lots of dancing, an ingenious idea to play in the hotel pool at 1:00 am which was foiled by our growling stomachs, followed by the longest trip to a 7-Eleven ever, the worst pre-wrapped tuna sandwich and subsequent passing out on an incredibly comfortable hotel mattress. A thoroughly enjoyable wedding.

I'm incredibly excited about Wii. And have spent most of my morning watching videos of people trying out the new controllers. I know I know I'm a huge nerd but what else would you expect from someone who was recently told she was the only girl he'd ever seen reading a Star Wars novel by random-software-guy-on-the-plane.

Here is one of the weirder and more disturbing things I've read about recently. Sometimes life is indeed stranger than fiction.

I seem to constantly be in training at work, in the last month I've had roughly 2.5 weeks of training. It's nice to know this stuff I guess but it would have been nicer had I gotten it 6 months earlier.

Also, yet another blood donation story. I went to donate blood at the same place, this time they had a lovely old Australian movie playing with Tom Selleck and that chick from Just Shoot Me aka Kit Deluca, called "Quigley Down Under". As I sat waiting to get my finger pricked, I listened to the woman, responsible for the shark frenzy containing movie of the last blood drive, excitedly tell one of the blood drawers that the next movie on the schedule was the original Dracula. I couldn't help myself, I laughed and asked the two if perhaps that particular movie was in poor taste for a blood drive. The woman looked at me like I'd just asked her why anyone in their right mind would want to put ketchup on french fries. Then she laughed and said "Well, we do sometimes call the folks that take the blood, vampires." She then nodded like that statement had fully resolved the issue. I laughed and went off to the other room to get my blood sucked by a very nice 21 year-old vampire, fervently wishing that I would still be there when Dracula came on so I could watch the people's faces as they walked in to give blood.

Unfortunately, my Vampire seemed to have less experience than the one I had the last time. She chose to forgo the absorbent shield, which had seemed to unnecessary before, and this time my bursting blood vessels would not be held back. As I looked away and felt the needle go in, the Vampire let out a gasping cry. I looked back and there was blood everywhere! Well not really, but there was a large line of it on my arm and a couple drops on my pants. The Vampire seemed very embarrassed by the whole thing so I joked and told her that I needed to get the pants dry cleaned anyway, which I did. That seemed to make her feel a little better and she glanced at my rapidly filling bag and told me that by the time she was done cleaning up I'd already have the thing filled. The rest of the process went smoothly and you'll all be happy to hear that the dry cleaners were able to completely remove the stains, though I think in the future I'll be sure to ask for a splatter shield.

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