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May 25, 2005

"It has come back for its love of home, its mate and for you."

The Brits are weird, there's no doubting it. The inventors of Cricket (spelt like the insect, as my coworker told me yesterday), Extreme Ironing, and Cheese Racing have been keeping Pigeon Racing on life support for years. Now, however, Pigeon Racing is in danger of going extinct.

Even though it seems to be a very moving article, quotes such as "We are losing about 2,000 members a year -- they are falling off their perches, I'm afraid" and "British pigeon racers are pinning their hopes on high technology and big money prizes to lure more young people into the sport as older enthusiasts die off" lead me to think that this is not a sport I'm at all interested in becoming a part of. So I'm sorry even though they are related to the peaceful dove, they're still rats with wings as far as I'm concerned, and breeding more of them is not my cup of tea.

Side note- I came across this potato chip review earlier on Marmite flavored potato chips.
Taste: These potato chips were thick, crunchy and very crisp, and the flavor was definitely an original one, as I had never heard of Marmite before. They tasted quite good, and most of the patrons of the chip bowl enjoyed the taste, even if they found it very hard to place the flavor. The great crispness of the chips really helped to make the flavor sharp. One of the tasters didn't like the taste at all, saying, "It tastes like someone's toes."

Yummy, toes you say? Having accidentally tried these chips before I can verify that someone elses toes is exactly how they taste. Stay very far away!

Update: Here's an even better review of a really nasty snack.

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